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Well this was quite the interesting experience. I found the interactions between the characters rather interesting and adorable, even if the context of why they are having this conversation to begin with is incredibly screwed up. The art itself is pretty good, the music chosen is good and appropriate, and the plot itself is rather intriguing. The sequence, as I would call the whole bodily mutilation part, was strangely intimate and philosophical which was something that I liked.

Overall I find the experience enjoyable enough and myself curious about the characters.

Oi mate, never played a game of yours but I saw a knife and I was into it. Great stuff. Have you played Kitty Horrorshow games? Your language surrounding gore reminds me a bit of hers. More broadly, what influenced you to make this? It's an interesting set of emotions to explore, it's like a more earnest Julia from Hellraiser, or a sort of Cronenbergian obsession with the taboo. I think it's compelling to mix that sense of taboo pleasure with a sense of admiration or beauty, even romance. I have a couple light criticisms though. First, I think the important decisions could be signposted a bit better. If I'm not misremembering, there's something like 6 decisions in this game but only 4 endings, implying that only 2 "matter". I don't want to replay the entire game to see only a bit of new material, so it might be a good idea to place some kind of weight- narratively or otherwise- on the specific decisions that decide your ending. That way, players would know when they should save so they don't have to replay the whole thing. Secondly, I think I only saw 2 or maybe 3 drawings for each character. I don't think you have to go crazy and draw a ton of frames, but maybe just a handful of facial expression changes could provide a touch more characterization and variety. Those are pretty nitpicky though, I don't think they're super important. Overall, it was a good experience, and I hope to see more stuff from you!

will not lie the variation in drawings is because i was Lazy[tm]! there's 6-7 expressions for each of them but eh. [throws up violently on the floor]. definitely need to get out of my pit of being lazy. i do have potential plans to add more endings or impact, so i do understand the nitpicks and everything! :D no worries whatsoever buddy.

i've only played kitty's hornets, which i really liked. very good piece though! i think my main inspirations are somehow the movie event horizon? and the weird vibes of horror tumblr in the mid 2010s. thank you for playing! i do appreciate the feedback, and i'm glad it was a good experience :3

Ya know what? Laziness is an artistic decision, I officially respect your creative impulses and hereby retract that criticism. I'm half joking but sometimes it stops you from putting way too much into a single project, so maybe it's not a bad thing? Also I respect the Event Horizon influence, I haven't even seen it yet but I've already decided it's drastically underrated and my opinion is completely set in stone. Either way, I checked out your page and saw you had a game called Limerence, and I have a song called Limerence, so I guess I know what game I'm playing this evening lmao


Another banger from Kat! I loved learning a bit more about Aeron, and the back and forth banter between the two characters was so fun to read.

I especially loved the descriptions of the grotesque, you always have have such a way with words - visceral !
